I hear a song and see a dance.

November 3, 2008


We hustle and bustle to keep up with time
While the clock never stops
It's time that holds our constant demand

God created time.
What is time? A gift.

What is to be done with the time given you?
To be fully alive in Christ and His plans and God's will. Blooming where you're planted. But being willing to be transplanted.

I was thinking about the gift of time yesterday because I heard the "Cinderella" song by Steven Curtis Chapman and it made me cry. Maria is so beautiful. But as I was crying I looked up and saw the beautiful clouds and the sunshine breaking through and it looked like a little piece of heaven and I remembered she was there dancing with Jesus. And it made me think about my time here on earth.

1 comment:

Mom McDee said...

I saw it too.

Love you,
