I hear a song and see a dance.

November 19, 2008

Contradiction, or not?

A few weeks ago I was at Evensong which is a weekly worship gathering of about 500+ college age students. They had a speaker come in named Thomas Mollhagen. He started Open Arms for Asia, an orphanage in India. http://www.openarmsforasia.org/
He was saying how one morning they didn't have any food and didn't have any money to get food and he was worried. One of the little girls came up to him and said, "Thomas did you pray yet?" He said, "yes I've prayed." She said, "then why are you worrying?" They all prayed together and a truck pulled up to the door and this guy had had a huge party the night before and had tons of left over food and asked if they could use it. God provides.
Then I was reading in Jeremiah 50:4
"In those days, at that time,"declares the LORD, "the people of Israel and the people of Judah together will go in tears to seek the LORD their God.

Matthew 6:27
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life
Doesn't that contradict eachother? Being able to seek the Lord in tears and yet not worrying? Crying is a strong emotion, that Jesus experienced as well. Tears can be triggered by many things. So being able to seek the Lord in tears - I've been there but so often it can be associated with worry. The Bible is full of what seems to be contradictions. I myself can feel like a walking contradiction sometimes, but I think God understands our hearts. We are told not to worry but that can be literally impossible. I think not giving into a constant state of worry and learning about surrender is what God wants and being able to surrender through the hard things. I would like to be more like the little girl talking to Thomas. "Did you pray? Then why are you worried?" God knows we need to be able to come to Him in tears and cry and seek Him with those strong emotions, but being able to ultimately say - "I trust You, Lord and I will surrender even though this is hard."
Surrender. Wow, God understands our hearts so intimately. That is a beautiful concept!

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