I hear a song and see a dance.

October 26, 2008

Passion for China

I know a 5 year old little boy named, Drew. I saw his family yesterday when I visited Detroit. You ask him what he wants to be when he grows up and he says, "A missionary to China!" Every night he prays for these missionaries who are being persecuted in China. He prays for the "emperor" of China every night to become a Christian. Every chance he gets he asks his mom to go to Blockbuster to get movies about China. This little boy was adopted from Russia 3 years ago by this family - who I look at as a kind of second family to me. I wonder where he would be if he was still in an orphanage in Russia. Would he have that conviction (as a 5 year old) to go to China?

This inspires me so much because ever since I was a little girl I have always wanted to go to China to love the orphans there. This summer I finally get to go. I think it was a dream I had kind of laid aside for a while because I had tried a few different times to go and things never worked out. When I found BMH online and they were just saying "COME" I was like, what? And I registered to go right then and there even though they were full swing in the middle of summer camps and I would have to wait untill 09. Almost every worship service I'm at lately I am drawn to tears out of thankfulness to God that I am finally getting to go to China and out of a broken heart for all the children there hurting. My hearts breaks even now and just wanting to be there and holding them and letting them know that I love them and the reason I love them so much is because Jesus loves them. They maybe can't comprehend it all but just playing with them and taking care of their practical needs in a small way... I am already prepping my heart for having to leave them and hate the thought even now. I just love them so much and my heart is so passionate for those orphans!

October 20, 2008


Ezekiel 16:6
Then I passed by you and saw you kicking about in your own blood and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, "Live!"

October 18, 2008


Our cousins came over tonight to celebrate my Nana's 71st birthday. My youngest cousin, Gabrielle (aka Gabby) and I have always been really close. But tonight she got me thinking about some stuff... She is probably the BIGGEST snuggle bug in the whole world, every second she wants to be in your lap with your arms around her just absolutely snuggling! Lol... Just as an example tonight she was sitting in my lap while Nana was opening her presents and Nana came to do the rounds of thank yous and give us all kisses and I stood up for two seconds to kiss my Nana and Gabby said, "Ok back to snuggling now!"

Gabby is so affirmed in this and has always felt extreme love and affection in her home and life and school etc. But it breaks my heart tonight because I was thinking of all the Gabby's in this world who are taken advantage of and abused and who are orphans and who have that HUGE desire in their hearts to simply snuggle. All those beautiful girls who don't have daddy's who snuggle with them and let them know they are beautiful and loved and affirmed in Christ.

October 10, 2008

a sarah grace psalm for the day

As I step into that place
Of complete and utter surrender
When I come before you
Without a protective hand to hinder
With arms open wide
Ready to embrace what you may say
Without a shield up
To block Your burning fire

O, Lord that you would refine me
No matter what the cost
Burn away myself
And let me not shun from the pain
For whatever the cost it's worth it
To be refined by You
Burn away my fleshly passions
Til You alone are standing true