why is it so easy for us to love some people.
harder to love others (at least fully from our hearts)
and yet even HARDER to let Christ fully love us.
i have been realizing lately what a grinch i am when it comes to letting myself be loved by God and Jesus. like really understanding and being excited about their love for me. how they adore me - their creation, sister, daughter and friend. how they long to spend time with me and hear my heart and walk and enjoy things with them.
i think if i stopped and let Jesus love my heart instead of block His love He wants to shower me with it'd be alot easier to love those people it can be hard to love at times. and it'd make our love for people easy to love even MORE full. Christ's love does that.. sooo powerful. and...
it casts out all fear.
fills you with joy.
covers you with forgiveness for yourself and others.
peace that passes understanding.
patience in trials.
kindness and goodness.
kindles faithfulness in all things.
controls yourself in out of control situations.
brings gentleness to wrath.
i set the fire-alarms off in our house today. :)
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