I hear a song and see a dance.

January 17, 2009

Lamb of God

It's kind of awesome that one of Jesus' names is Lamb of God.

I've been reading through the Torah and it's so interessting the detail and attention they pay to sacrifices and blood sacrifices for sin. So when Jesus came, he became that ultimate blood sacrifice - being called "Lamb of God."

We are no longer under the sacrificial system because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. Our own Lamb of God. How amazing?!

Gentiles have been engrafted into God's people. When Jesus came, God had set up the world so it was ripe for the Gospel to be preached. Alexander the Great had "hellenized" that part of the world so they all spoke the same language and the Gospel could be preached and understood. (Even where there were different languages Pentecost happened so people could know the Gospel too. God's awesome like that!)

Things changed when Jesus came - the curtain in the temple to the Holy of Holies was torn. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. The great commision was time to be fulfilled by God's people, which was expanded to Gentiles. That is humbling and amazing that we are children of God!

Those are just some thoughts running through my head lately... Sometimes I wish I could grow faster and learn more quickly but my friend brought me to the verse from John the other day.

John 16:12 I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.

I wish I could be done with sin already. I know it doesn't happen overnight and we aren't perfect but I long for that. Being home forever without sin to get in the way of my relationship with Jesus. That unity and perfect peace without being broken or distracted by things. But I also do love the journey - life is a beautiful thing - a gift not to be thrown away. With alot of laughter and moments to be cherished - glimpses into heaven and perfect peace and communion with our Lord.

1 comment:

Dave said...

holy smokes! amazing isn't it!? I think this IS the greatest display of God's Sovereignty over His rule in history and every under and above the sun.