I hear a song and see a dance.

August 21, 2008


There's a Hebrew word called "Macowl" (spell?) that means to whirl or spin. It is used in alot of the passages in the Old Testament particularly in the Psalms whenever it talks about dancing in praise of God. I like it. That word has meant alot to me for many reasons..

This summer has been a whirl-wind but what I love is that I have been whirling with God. Through all the hecticness (6 cross country road-trips anyone?) of this summer I have had that underlying peace of knowing that I am whirling with God. Maybe a little crazy concept but so true.

There are so many stories from this summer - I can't begin to start writing them all. Starting out with a road trip to Miami, heading up an Inner-City Fine Arts camp for a week, travelling up to MI to work on a horse ranch for a week with amazing people, teaching another ballet camp, travelling to CO for a week of camp, my dad's surgeries and all the complications and scariness of that, trying to figure out whether or not we would stay in Miami or go back to MI, and trying to pack and move and finally leave a day early because of a hurricane - my life has been insane this summer. I have met wonderful people - deepened relationships with old friends and God has been teaching me so much about whirling with Him no matter what.

It was harder leaving Miami than I thought it would be - saying goodbye is never easy so I don't know why I thought it would be this time. My heart is sad missing beautiful people there - but I know that God has me in MI again for a reason and I am very excited about everything here too.. very mixed emotions. Whirling. That is my word.

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