I hear a song and see a dance.

May 25, 2012

past two months in pictures.

dance worship night... (may 4)

fun with some sweet girls downtown
more from the worship night - with backstage helpers!  (lifesavers, ellen and haylie!)

the wizard of oz (april 12 - 14)

everyone from the dance worship night

sweet babies and my student helpers this year.

this is my favorite little boy in the whole world, justin.   he calls me "missuhgwacie."
my favorite puppy, boog!

amy duffy!  (my little sis, who is coming to china this summer!)

i had to drive anna to the rehearsal with her hair sticking out of the sunroof!  (wicked witch from wizard of oz!)  so funny!

sweet jenna and me

one of my best friends since high school days, cole.  (director of wizard of oz!)

me and mr. daaaan! 

amy duffy and i again!

random trips to lansing for five guys with the cousin, jordan!

chicago trip for choir memories and incidentally me and sister's FIRST trip to the AG store... pretty exciting!

they only had a mini version of my doll, kirsten.


cheesecake factory!

just dancing!
bring me hope nightwalk!  people were walking all over the world to help raise money for orphans to come to camp this summer in China through Bring Me Hope!  (may 18)  annnd china.... here i come in ONE MONTH!!!  WOOOHOOO!  :)                            

1 comment:

Mom McDee said...

What a wonderful couple months! So much to be thankful for. Love you Gracie!