They had two of their doctors in town from Kenya and so my friend Kyle put together a worship/info night about what Cure is doing. They basically perform surgeries for children around the world who couldn't afford it. Another really cool part about what they do is they train people in those countries to become surgeons etc.
Before I danced they played a video about one little boy who had recieved surgery to cure his severly bow legs, and how he struggled simply to walk before this surgery and it had a clip of him running at the end. It really impacted me because I think my biggest fear is having something happen to me that would prevent me from dancing.
As I was dancing tears were flowing and I have never been more thankful when I was dancing to simply be able to dance with God and just how much it means to my heart, soul and mind to be able to dance. Thank you, GOD for allowing me to have such an intimate connection to you through my dancing and that You allow me to be able to dance before You with freedom and love.