"Man's true freedom does not consist of the unfettered power to direct his life...it lies in life with God, lived as it was originally intended by God for man. He only gains this as he denies himself." Brown
^ I love that quote. ^
God has been speaking to me about beauty alot lately (obvious from post below). What is beauty - the power it has on us in our lives - the lie that it is etc. So I decided to wear little or no make-up lately. I don't know how long this will go for but it's been such an awesome learning thing. I have never been a huge make-up person so it hasn't been too hard but I do wear a little bit pretty consistently. The other day I was in the mall and I was walking by all these girls who were dressed "perfectly" and had "perfect" hair and make-up and it was really eating at me. I was feeling so less than. And then I was thinking about it and why it was impacting me in the way that it was. I have Jesus in my life who is ALL beauty and these girls were so perfectly dressed and in some ways living their lives for the make-up clothes and "perfectness." And it was making me feel less than. How does that work?? I have Jesus inside me and that is where the beauty matters and yet the power that the lie of beauty has is so powerful that it was making me feel that insecurity etc. I was really impacted by how that works... It's so backwards. Lies are so scary like that. They twist things so easily. Then I just got burdened to pray for them and that they would feel their beauty where it matters most which is from Jesus and that that would be their source of peace and not in their outter appearance. I just don't want those kind of lies to eat at my time - it is so useless and self-focusing which is gross. Self-focus is Satan's way of stealing us little by little.
Jesus' beauty is so un-comparable.